Thursday, 21 May 2009

Demo Game - Move 4

The cavalry melee on the Prussian right flank which was to have such disasterous results for the Prussian attack. The French dragoon brigade has charged the Prussian hussar brigade. There is a Prussian dragoon brigade in support on the left, and the horse artillery behind.


Blucher is very pleased with developments

His left is keeping the enemy pinned, and advancing slowly

His centre is advancing slowly, but unable to spot enemy

His right is well placed to attack, but orders arrived too late this move.

His intention is to attack on his right and support with his centre


1 corps and cavalry reserve will advance on right flank

2 and 3 corps will advance in centre but await developments

4 corps will advance on left as far as broken ground

His intention is to attack with his right

Exploit any success with his centre

Hold with his left


Left - 4 Prussian corps is half way through the broken ground, and nearing 6 French corps at the T junction. The lancer brigade on the right is from 3 corps.

Centre - 3 Prussian corps on the left are still advancing towards Helmstedt. 2 Prussian corps has halted and formed square due to the cavalry melee out of sight on the right of the photograph.

Right - The Prussian hussars and artillery have both routed, and failed their morale test to rally. The dragoons have passed their morale test, but are still Shaken. 1 Prussian corps, on the left, are attempting to form square having spotted the French cavalry reserve to their front left, and the French dragoons who broke the Prussian cavalry to their front right.


Move 1 – French centre – blind (chip 6)

No action remain stationary

Move 2 – French centre – French CinC (chip 1)

Move to reserve behind Helmstedt

Move 3 – French right – 5 corps (chip 3)

Artillery fire and miss

Infantry on right form square

Cavalry charge enemy hussars (roll 6 and 5) and rout hussars

Prussian dragoons test morale (roll 2) and rout

Prussian artillery test morale (roll 1) and rout

Move 4 – Prussian centre – 3 corps (chip 10)

Orders : move to Helmstedt on left of main road

Spot enemy blind 4 on French right flank

Artillery fire and miss

Infantry move towards Helmstedt

Move 5 – Prussian right – 1 corps (chip 8)

Orders : move to Wolfsburg road

Spot enemy blind right of Helmstedt, who turn out to be cavalry reserve and artillery

Commander changes orders to Halt and awaits further orders

Forms square with infantry as no cavalry support

Move 6 – Prussian right – Prussian CinC (chip 7)

Change cavalry reserve orders to Rally

Move to centre attach to 3 corps (chip 10)

Move 7 – French centre – blind 5

No action remain stationary

Move 8 – Blind Card

Move 9 – Prussian left – 4 corps (chip 11)

Orders : move to forward edge of broken ground

Misses move again due to Poor card

Move 10 – French centre – Helmstedt garrison (chip 2)

No action, out of range

Move 11 – French right – blind (chip 4)

Extend, spotted and deploy

Move 12 – Prussian right – cavalry reserve (chip 12)

Orders : Rally

Whole command is in rout

Dragoons test morale (roll 6), rally and become Shaken

Hussars test morale (roll 2), fail and continue to Rout

Artillery test morale (roll 1), fail and continue to Rout

Move 13 – Prussian centre – 2 corps (chip 9)

Orders : move to Helmstedt on right of main road

Commander changes orders to Halt and await further orders

No corps artillery to fire

Infantry form square as cavalry heavily outnumbered


Left - 5 French corps are relieved that their dragoons have broken the Prussian reserve cavalry. They are unable to advance as they are on Hold orders. 1 Prussian corps to their front have halted and are trying to form square.

Centre - 4 French corps hold Helmstedt and are deployed either side of the town. To their left, the blind has been revealed to be the French cavalry reserve, and their artillery are deployed alongside 4 corps artillery. There is another French blind in reserve behind the town.

Right - 6 French corps are deployed either side of the T junction. Their left hand brigade has formed square against the approaching lancers of 3 Prussian corps.


In one move the situation has changed from excellent to desperate for the Prussians

Cavalry reserve is broken and in rout

Right flank has halted and formed square, awaiting new orders

Centre right has also halted and formed square, awaiting new orders

Centre left is the only corps available to advance

Left flank again failed to move due to Poor Card

Blucher must switch his advance from his right to his left flank if he is to retain the initiative.

His centre can not advance due to superior enemy cavalry and artillery.

His right flank is in disorder and will be lucky to hold.

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