Prussians are recovering on right flank, but still Shaken
Prussians are retreating in the centre, still awaiting orders
Prussians are advancing on the left and about to Engage
French are slow to react , still waiting for orders
French right flank secure
French right centre in danger due to one rout, could break
French left centre waiting for orders to advance
French left flank waiting for orders to advance
1 corps will hold the right flank
Cavalry reserve will rally behind 1 corps
2 corps will hold the centre
3 and 4 corps will engage enemy on left flank
His intention is to attack with his left
Hold his centre
Hold and really his right
Move 1 – French – 6 corps (chip 4)
Orders: Hold right flank
Artillery fire on enemy artillery and miss
Move 2 – French – 13 corps (chip 5)
Orders: Move to road on right of Helmstedt
No artillery with this corps
Move infantry brigades forward through the rout
Test morale for Shaken brigade, roll 5, pass become Disordered
Move 3 – Poor Card
Move 4 – Prussian – 4 corps (chip 11)
Orders: Engage Enemy
Miss another move due to Poor Card
(fourth time this game !)
Move 5 – Prussian – 1 corps (chip 8)
Orders : Halt
Await new orders from CinC
Limber gun and move towards right flank
Move 6 – French – CinC
Change orders of 6 corps
Move to reserve cavalry and change orders
Move to far left and join 5 corps
Move 7 – Prussian – 2 corps (chip 9)
Orders : Halt
Put all infantry in square
Test morale for Shaken 6 brigade, roll 1, Rout
Test morale for all brigades within 8”
Result cavalry Shaken, 3 infantry make morale
Move 8 – Prussian – reserve (chip 12)
Orders : Halt
Move dragoons to right flank
Test Shaken artillery morale (roll 5) pass become Disordered
Move 9 – French – reserve (chip 6)
Orders: Engage
Both brigades move forward within charge move of enemy
Artillery limber and advance in support
Move 10 – Prussian – 3 corps (chip 10)
Orders: Engage
Commander changes orders to Halt
French cavalry reserve is close to his flank
Move 11 – Prussian – CinC (chip 7)
Too much to do to give move to 4 corps
Move to centre right change 6 corps orders to Hold
Move to Prussian right to 1 corps
Move 12 – French – 4 corps (chip Gifted)
Orders: Hold Helmstedt
Rally garrison in preparation to remove them
Move in Shaken brigade
Test morale (roll 6) pass become Disordered
Test morale for Routed brigade (roll 6) pass become Shaken
Move 13 – French – 5 corps (chip 3)
Orders: Hold left flank
Unable to move as still on Hold orders
Form column of attack with all infantry brigades
Limber artillery ready to advance
One of those moves when the French could do no wrong and the Prussians could do no right
Blucher is very concerned, the battle is going badly wrong
On his left his Poor 4 corps has refused to move 4 times
In his centre left 2 corps has halted his advance
In his centre right 3 corps are in disorder
On his right 1 corps is holding
On his far right cav reserve are rallying
His intention is to hold along his whole line
The French counter attack has started and it looks bad for the Prussians