French infantry in and either side of Helmstedt, artillery on right. French reserve, still on blind, behind the town.
Blucher has created a cavalry reserve as follows:
hussar brigade from 1 corps
dragoon brigade from 4 corps
artillery from 2 corps (which now becomes horse artillery)
His has deployed his corps as follows;
1 corps (chip 8) – gifted commander - right flank
2 corps (chip 9) – average commander - centre right
3 corps (chip 10) – average commander - centre left
4 corps (chip 11) – poor commander - left flank
Reserve (chip 12) – average commander - far right flank
His plan of battle is as follows:
1 corps and cavalry reserve will advance on right flank
2 and 3 corps will advance in centre but await developments
4 corps will advance on left as far as broken ground
His intention is to attack with his right
Exploit any success with his centre
Hold with his left
1 – French – Blind (chip 4)
Orders: Hold right flank
Extend blind
Not spotted
2 – Prussian – Blind (9)
Orders: Move to Helmstedt
Advance and extend blind
Not spotted
3 – French – Blind (chip 3)
Orders: Hold left flank
Extend blind
Spotted and put figures on table
Move cavalry to cover left flank
4 – French – CinC (chip 1)
Stationary this move
Remain with reserve
5 – Prussian – Blind (chip 11)
Orders: Move to broken ground
Advance on blind and extend
Not spotted
6 – Prussian – Blind (chip 8)
Orders: Move to
Advance and extend
Spotted put figures on table
7 – French – Blind (chip 2)
Orders: Hold Helmstedt
Note spotted
8 – Prussian – CinC (chip 7)
Near to 4 corps
Stationary this move
9 – Prussian – Blind (chip 12)
Orders: Move to
Extend and advance
Spotted put figures on table
10 – French – Blind (chip 5)
Orders: Hold in reserve
Stationary this move
Not spotted
11 – Poor card
12 – French – CinC (chip 1)
Stationary this move
Close to reserve
13 – Prussian – Blind (chip 10)
Orders: Move to Helmstedt
Blucher is concerned that both commands on his right have been spotted
The French are now aware that he has the bulk of his cavalry on his right flank
He is also concerned that there are three sets of blinds, against his two, in the centre
There is at least two, and possibly three, French corps holding the centre.
He is satisfied with progress on his left, and content to remain hidden
Despite this he is content to continue to probe with his right, and attack if given a good opportunity.