Best described as one of those battles when the French could do no wrong and the Prussians could do no right
Blucher is very concerned, the battle is going badly wrong
On his left his Poor 4 corps has refused to move 4 times
In his centre left 2 corps has halted his advance
In his centre right 3 corps are in disorder
On his right 1 corps is holding
On his far right cav reserve are rallying
His intention is to hold along his whole line
The French counter attack has started and it looks bad for the Prussians
1 corps will hold the right flank
Cavalry reserve will rally behind 1 corps
2 and 3 corps will hold the centre
4 corps will engage enemy on left flank
His intention is to hold his position until nightfall
Move 1 – Prussian – 1 corps (chip 8)
Orders: Halt
Move artillery to left to counter enemy cavalry and unlimber
Move 2 – Prussian – 3 corps (chip 10)
Orders: Halt
Infantry form square to counter enemy cavalry
Artillery limber and move behind squares
Move 3 – Prussian – 2 corps (chip 9)
Orders: Hold centre
French lancers declare opportunity charge on Shaken cuirassiers
Test to charge, roll 1, fail
Cuirassiers move back facing enemy
Infantry square moves to protect cuirassiers
Test morale for cuirassiers, roll 1, remain Shaken
Test morale for routing infantry, fail, continue rout
No friendly units within 8”, no morale tests
Move 4 – Prussian – CinC (chip 7)
Move to reserve cavalry and change orders to Engage
Move to 1 corps and change orders to Engage
Move 5 – Prussian right –reserve (chip 12)
Orders: Engage
Dragoons move forward to protect guns
Gunners move forward to man guns
Move 6 – French – 5 corps (chip 3)
Orders: Hold
Unlimber gun to counter enemy cavalry
Right hand infantry form square
Move 7 – French – 13 corps (chip 5)
Orders: Move to road
All infantry move to road
Move 8 – French – 6 corps (chip 4)
Orders: Engage
Artillery fire on guns (roll 5) miss
Infantry form column of attack and advance
Move 9 – French – CinC (chip 1)
Change 5 corps orders to Engage
Move to Shaken infantry brigade from 4 crops
Test morale, roll 2, fail remain Shaken
Move to 13 corps
Move 10 – French – 4 corps (chip 2)
Orders: Engage
Guns unlimber
Infantry move forward
Move 11 – French – reserve (chip 6)
Orders: Engage
All enemy infantry in square
Change orders to Halt
Move forward brigade back to form line
Unlimber artillery
Move 12 – Prussian – 4 corps (chip 11)
Orders: Engage
Artillery fire on cavalry (roll 7) 1 hit
Cavalry test morale (roll 5) pass
Infantry move forward through broken ground
Move 13 – Poor Card
All Poor commanders have already moved, no effect
13 Corps (on the right) have orders to Move to the road, and are just reaching it. The CinC has arrived to give new orders to their commander.
Prussian situation greatly improved, mainly because they moved first
Left - Engage orders moving into position far edge of broken ground
Centre - Halt orders, but formed square and safe from cavalry
Right - Engage orders and ready to move forward
French still in strong position.
Cavalry arrived too late to attack Prussian centre
Left - orders arrived too late to advance
Centre - Engage orders and moving forward
Right - Engage orders and moving forward