The 1813 campaign has been running for more than a year, and I am running out of space on the original blog.
Over the past few months I have been making new maps using Profantasy, and this has prompted me to revamp the whole series of the 1813 Campaign blogs.
The first one to be tackled is the Wargame Rules Blog. Over the past year or so there have been many changes to the rules due to frequent play testing. I was going to amend this blog, but then I realised it would use up too much of the remaining space.
I have decided to start a new blog. It will cover the campaign background to the rules, the armies and orders of battle it is designed to use and how to set up the wargames. It will also consider each rule and explain what hope to achieve with that rule. Eventually there will be a new set of rules. There will be an index to each rule, which will allow me to amend and update it without affecting the other rules. Finally the blog will be used to notify each change in the rules and explain why it is necessary.
You can find the new blog at