The CinC is the two figure base, the remainder on single figure bases are corps commanders. The cavalry figure with his back to the camera is the reserve commander.
The main role of the CinC is to issue orders to his corps commanders.
To do this he must be in base contact with the corps commander
He rolls an average dice, plus his command factor, for "pips"
He may give his turn to a corps commander if in base contact
Roll for Pips
Roll average dice
Gifted +3
Average +2
Poor +1
16” move per pip
Multiple move allowed if no enemy blind or figures within 4”
Change Corps Orders
Must be in base contact with corps commander
Gifted 1 pip
Average 2 pips
Poor 3 pips
Give Move to Corps Commander
Must be in base contact with corps commander
Gifted 1 pip
Average 2 pips
Poor 3 pips
The balance of pips may then be used by the Corps Commander that turn
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