Nearby friendly troops
Routed troops within 4” are removed from table
Shaken troops within 4” will Rout
Other troops within 4” will test Morale
All troops involved, or routed through, are Disordered
Rout moves
Cavalry 12”
Infantry 6”
Move directly away from cause and pass through friendly troops
Attempt to Rally during next move
To Rally Commander or CinC be in base contact and pay 1 Pip
Brigade must pass Morale test
If fail continue rout but avoid friends
If pass brigade becomes Shaken
Cavalry who cause Rout roll 1 d6
5-6 All nations Pursue
4-5-6 British Pursue
If Pursue roll 1 d6
1 or 2 Pursue Routers 12” and cause another casualty
3 or 4 Charge nearest enemy within 8” and 45 degrees
5 or 6 Charge nearest enemy within 4” and 45 degrees
During next move attempt to Rally
To Rally Commander or CinC be in base contact and pay 1 Pip
Brigade must pass Morale test
If fail return to own lines Shaken
If pass brigade becomes Disordered
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