Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Rule 16 - Reaction to Rout

The Prussian hussar brigade has routed following a combat with the French dragoons. The supporting Prussian dragoons had to test their morale as they were within 8" and they also routed, through the artillery who then failed their morale and routed.

When a brigade fails its morale and routs, any friendly units within 4" must also test their morale. If they have a bad dice throw they may well join the rout, causing even more friendly units to test morale. The effect is even worse if a unit routs back through a friendly unit.


Nearby friendly troops

Routed troops within 4” are removed from table

Shaken troops within 4” will Rout

Other troops within 4” will test Morale

All troops involved, or routed through, are Disordered

Rout moves

Cavalry 12”

Infantry 6”

Move directly away from cause and pass through friendly troops

Attempt to Rally during next move

To Rally Commander or CinC be in base contact and pay 1 Pip

Brigade must pass Morale test

If fail continue rout but avoid friends

If pass brigade becomes Shaken


Cavalry who cause Rout roll 1 d6

5-6 All nations Pursue

4-5-6 British Pursue

If Pursue roll 1 d6

1 or 2 Pursue Routers 12” and cause another casualty

3 or 4 Charge nearest enemy within 8” and 45 degrees

5 or 6 Charge nearest enemy within 4” and 45 degrees

During next move attempt to Rally

To Rally Commander or CinC be in base contact and pay 1 Pip

Brigade must pass Morale test

If fail return to own lines Shaken

If pass brigade becomes Disordered

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